Monday, November 24, 2014

Bear Mountain, Sedona

South Kaibab and Bright Angel

I woke up at 4:30 AM to see if I could knock out a trip to the river and back in one day.  After spending a ridiculous amount of time on the buses (I learned about the hiker's express later…) I got to the trail head at 7:45.  

I asked some very nice tourists to take my photo.  It was so cold!

The scenery down was so beautiful.  

The only picture of me hiking!

I made it to the river!!

 Almost to Indian Gardens!  The two men are the only other people I knew who were trying to hike to the river and back in one day that day.  

Victory!  I made it out (turtle pace seemed to do the trick!)

On the way home I saw this fire.